Water, Women & Period Poverty

Have you ever stopped and thought about menstrual health? What it means to have, and not have, access to everything needed for healthy menstrual hygiene? This goes beyond period care products - cups, discs, pads, tampons - which many do not have, and those who do have to pay a high price for them. How about clean water? Water to wash. Water to drink. Water to rinse blood stained rags in so they can be used again. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you’ve probably never even thought about it, but 35% of people who menstruate around the world lack the resources they need for a safe and healthy period. Consider this scenario: You wake up, head to the bathroom, and turn on the tap. If water comes out, congratulations! You're among the two-thirds of the global population with access to clean water. Unfortunately, the remaining one-third, over 2.5 billion people, do not have access to this basic human necessity. That’s about 1.25 billion women who lack access to clean water for their basi...