Period Underwear For Girls

Adjusting to starting your period can be stressful. Not only do you have to adjust to all of the changes to your body, but you are also thrown into a world of new products. Navigating through these options can be overwhelming, but there’s an easy option: you don’t need to change a thing (except for your underwear!)

Period underwear for girls and teens works just like regular leakproof underwear but comes in smaller sizes and fun colors, so teens don’t have to compromise for the more mature period underwear styles on the market. Starting your period should be a fun and exciting transition, so why shouldn’t your go-to period pants reflect this?

These leakproof underwear options can replace 3-4 regular tampons or 2-3 regular pads, saving more room in your backpack for what really matters–snacks. For most teens, one pair should last all day at school. However, if you have a heavier flow, consider pairing leakproof panties with a tampon, menstrual cup, or menstrual disc.

Learn: What is period underwear?

If you’re ready to end those last-minute shopping trips to the store to get pads and tampons, you’ve come to the right place. Make the switch to period underwear today!


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