
Showing posts with the label Eco-Friendly Period Solutions

Different Ways to Sanitize Your Menstrual Cup or Disc

Welcome to the sustainable, comfortable period club! If you're new to using a menstrual cup or menstrual disc , it's important to sanitize your product before and after each cycle. Here’s how to do it easily: Understanding Sanitizing vs. Sterilizing Sanitizing : Reduces germs to safe levels, ideal for home cleaning. Sterilizing : Eliminates all microbial life, usually done in medical settings, often with an autoclave.  Sanitization Methods Boiling Water (Classic Method) Supplies : Pot, water, tongs or whisk.  Steps : Fill a pot with water and bring it to a rolling boil. Carefully position your secured cup or disc (within tongs or whisk) and boil for 4–5 minutes.  Remove and let cool before storing or wearing.  Compact Sanitizer (Travel-Friendly Method) Supplies :Compact Sanitizer, microwave. Steps : Open the sanitizer, fill with water, and add your cup/disc. Microwave for about 3 minutes until boiling. Let sit for another 3 minutes, then cool and store. Saalt Steam...