Different Ways to Sanitize Your Menstrual Cup or Disc

Welcome to the sustainable, comfortable period club! If you're new to using a menstrual cup or menstrual disc, it's important to sanitize your product before and after each cycle. Here’s how to do it easily:

Understanding Sanitizing vs. Sterilizing

  • Sanitizing: Reduces germs to safe levels, ideal for home cleaning.

  • Sterilizing: Eliminates all microbial life, usually done in medical settings, often with an autoclave. 

Sanitization Methods

  1. Boiling Water (Classic Method)

    • Supplies: Pot, water, tongs or whisk. 

    • Steps:

      1. Fill a pot with water and bring it to a rolling boil.

      2. Carefully position your secured cup or disc (within tongs or whisk) and boil for 4–5 minutes. 

      3. Remove and let cool before storing or wearing. 

  2. Compact Sanitizer (Travel-Friendly Method)

    • Supplies:Compact Sanitizer, microwave.

    • Steps:

      1. Open the sanitizer, fill with water, and add your cup/disc.

      2. Microwave for about 3 minutes until boiling.

      3. Let sit for another 3 minutes, then cool and store.

  3. Saalt Steamer (EasyMethod)

    • Supplies:Steamer.

    • Steps:

      1. Plug in the steamer and add water to the reservoir.

      2. Place your cup/disc on top and cover with the lid.

      3. Press the button and let it steam. Once done, let cool before removing.

Final Tips

  • Always rinse your cup/disc before sanitizing.

  • Ensure air holes are clean.

  • Store your sanitized product in a clean, dry place.

By following these methods, you’ll keep your cup or disc in great shape and ready for use. Enjoy your sustainable period journey! 


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