Can You Trim The Stem On Your Period Cup?
Everyone’s anatomy is uniquely different. For some period cup users, the stem is fully within the vaginal canal, and for others, the stem is partially or fully sticking out of the vagina and labia; all scenarios are perfectly normal. If you find your stem is hanging down more than you’d like or causing you discomfort, just know you can cut the stem on your menstrual cup . What is the Stem on Your Period Cup For? Not to get confused with a pull tab, the stem on your menstrual cup is designed to help locate the cup in order to break the seal, but not everyone needs the stem to help locate their cup — but it sure is a nice feature! Your cervix changes position throughout your cycle and you may find that having the stem is helpful in locating the cup later during your period. We recommend getting comfortable with the positioning and removal of your cup first, but if you decide after that to cut the stem of your period cup, here is a step-by-step how-to: Clean cup : We recommend using a g...