5 Things to Do on Your Period If You Love Seamless Underwear

Are seamless panties your thing right now? They’re easy to wear and stay virtually invisible beneath even the tightest yoga pants. But what happens to your seamless underwear when your period comes around? It might go to the back of the drawer for safekeeping, or you just might not wear the clothes that call for seamless underwear. But seamless period underwear can change that. If you love seamless styles, do these five things to enjoy them even more during your next flow.

Leakproof Underwear

#1 Invest in Seamless Period Underwear

If you love seamless underwear, you need seamless period underwear. Look for a brand with reliable leakproof options in a variety of styles. You want them to have a super thin gusset for comfort and because they’re seamless—anything too thick would defeat the purpose of seamless leakproof underwear. Grab a few styles to ensure you have more than one to wear throughout the first phase of your cycle.

#2 Sign Up for a Yoga Class

Seamless underwear and yoga pants are made for each other, and you don’t have to stop enjoying either of them when you’re on your period. With seamless leakproof panties, you get all the freedom of movement with no panty lines. You can wear the soft, stretchy underwear that catches your flow so you can get into the flow of your… well, flow.

#3 Hang Out with Friends

Reusable period underwear offers leak-free protection, and high-quality seamless styles shouldn’t lose shape no matter what you do during the day. Don’t put off hanging out with your friends until your period is over. Slip into some leakproof underwear, put on the cute outfit, and get a little wild (even if the wildest thing you do with your friends is to go to the bookstore or watch a baking show).

#4 Run Errands

Running errands can take all day, but your period underwear can handle being out and about. Light absorbency leakproof period underwear is also a great backup if you wear a reusable silicone cup for period flow. Reusable cups and discs are great alternatives to single-use tampons. Once you get the hang of them, you should be leak-free. Still, it never hurts to have a backup, and seamless period underwear will be the thinnest option that can fit seamlessly into your day.

#5 Laundry

Doing laundry may not sound as fun as some other activities for seamless period panties, but you have to do it, and you have to do it right. Rinse your period panties in cold water right after wearing them. Then, machine wash them in a mesh laundry bag. After washing, hang dry. Always hang-dry your period panties—regardless of the style. If you take good care of your period underwear, it’ll take care of you.

You don’t have to give up seamless underwear when you’re on your period. You might even enjoy seamless, leakproof period underwear more than the everyday seamless styles. The gusset in period underwear stays absorbent and dry, and the underwear themselves are comfortable under all your outfits. They’re the perfect underwear to make the transition from everyday styles to period underwear feel, well, seamless.

About Saalt

If you and reusable period care sound like a match made in heaven, then consider Saalt your matchmaker. The sustainable period care brand offers high-quality reusable period cups, discs, and leakproof underwear. They make it easy to go with the flow and put trust in your heart and your reusable period care products. After all, your body and your period are your life partners. Saalt helps you develop a relationship built on trust by providing period care products to protect against leaks and discomfort. Some of their sustainable period care options hold up to three times that of disposable equivalents. Saalt dedicates themselves to helping everyone with a period find their period care match. That way, you and people with periods around the world can feel safe, healthy, dry, and comfortable every day of your menstrual cycle.

Do all of the things in seamless period underwear from https://saalt.com/


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