Flow Talk: 5 Habits to Practice on Your Period

For some people, their flow week is like welcoming a guest to stay over for a few days without disrupting their daily activities too much. But for most of us, having a period is more like binge-watching slasher movies for a week: filled with stress, anticipation, and an unnecessary amount of blood. Often, a lot of that period stress and negativity can be curbed by practicing some healthy habits. Here are five habits to start practicing to help give your period more rom-com vibes than horror movies.

Leakproof Underwear

Eat Healthy for Cake’s Sake!

Often, if your body is already feeling worn down, eating unhealthy foods can just add on and compact those unwell feelings. Instead, practice eating healthy with nutrient-packed food while on your period. This is an excellent way to ensure that your body gets everything it needs to feel its best.

Break Out Your Comfortable Leakproof Panties

Period underwear is changing the game in the best way possible.Period leaking doesn’t have to harm another innocent pair of underwear. When most people hear the words period underwear, they often imagine these giant bloomers. But that’s not the case! Modern period panties come in all the styles you love, from thongs to high-waist silhouettes and more. And they’re built to handle your flow with grace. Look for seamless period underwear that can disappear underneath all of your favorite clothing and features a thin, absorbent gusset.

Pamper Yourself—You Deserve It

Your body is going through a lot. Let yourself destress a little bit by pampering yourself. A nice hot bubble bath is an excellent way to relax and even help soothe period cramps. Whether it’s painting your nails a new and vibrant color or treating yourself to an at-home spa day, pampering yourself should be a part of your monthly flow routine.

Exercise Queen!

Another excellent way to help yourself destress and ease your cramps is by exercising when possible. And that doesn’t mean you have to keep up with the intensity of your regular fitness routine. Gentle exercises like yoga and walking are great ways to increase blood flow to your muscles and ease muscle tension.

Save Yourself Some Stress with a Period Cup or Disc

If you haven’t adopted a reusable period cup or disc into your flow routine, now’s the time. Say goodbye to pesky tampons and pads. A reusable disc or cup for period flow can offer you up to 12 hours of period protection and can be used for up to 10 years. You can just insert it and then forget about it for the rest of the day. Picking up these helpful habits can help you destress and have a more relaxed period each month.

About Saalt

New year, new menstrual cycles, new period care products. Saalt makes it easy to say, “out with the old and in with the new.” Their modern period care is high-quality, easy to use, and sustainable. With reusable period cups, discs, and leakproof underwear, this will be the year you say goodbye to sweaters tied around your waist and swift walks to the bathroom while you try to play it cool. Saalt gives you hours of leak-free period comfort. You can wear the Saalt Cup or Saalt Disc for up to 12 hours, and some Saalt Wear can hold up to three pads worth of your flow in a thin, comfortable gusset. Plus, Saalt’s supportive community and educational resources allow you to stay on top of vaginal and menstrual health throughout your cycle. Ultimately, Saalt provides a whole new period experience.

Find sustainable period products and learn more about healthy period habits at https://saalt.com/


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