Facts About Period Care That Will Make You Say, ‘Wait, What?’

Periods play a key role in this circle we call life. Without periods and the menstrual cycle, reproduction would come to a halt. Fortunately, some brands work hard to ensure people with periods have the best experience with their flow. They offer high-quality period care products like comfortable and reliable period cups and leakproof underwear.

Still, research on periods and reproductive health for those with a uterus needs improvement. The following facts might make you ride a rollercoaster of “Wait, what?” and “How did I not know this?” but it’s important for everyone with a flow to advocate for more period education and access to better period care. So, here we are, getting ready to explore some interesting facts that may ignite some kind of fire in your belly.

Periods Are Not a Popular Research Subject

Compared to other subjects, including studies on sperm, research on periods and menstrual cycles is severely lacking. It’s a shame because there are many areas to explore, including miscarriage, preeclampsia, menstrual care, and even placental studies. Stigmas around periods are everywhere, and we all need to work hard to ensure our kids and future generations have more open discourse around periods.

Vaginas and Reproductive Organs Are Muscles

Your vagina and uterus are muscles. They are flexible; they change and constrict throughout your cycle, as well as during pregnancy when hormones are sending all kinds of messages around down there. Vaginas work and move, sending signals and propelling sperm to the uterus (it’s not just a sperm doing all the work), and cervixes change position as well.

New Period Care Products Address Diverse Needs

One of the advancements that benefit people with periods is modern period care products. They’re incredibly inclusive, allowing you to find what works for you and your flow. With period cups, discs, and leakproof underwear, people with periods have a ton of options. Plus, modern period care brands work a little magic with innovative designs. There are many brands that have created discs and/or cups for period flow that feature medical-grade silicone. These are a safe alternative to tampons and can be inserted into the vaginal canal. Period underwear can have an ultra-thin gusset that absorbs your flow and is also great for when you ovulate.

Disposable Period Care Products Are Not Sustainable

It’s important to recognize that disposable period care products contribute to a lot of waste—20 billion products are disposed of annually in the U.S. alone. By switching to reusable period care products, you can personally reduce your contribution to period waste by diverting thousands of products. While disposable products serve a purpose, investing in reusable products may be better for you and the planet.

Menstrual Health Is Important to Fertility and Overall Health

A regular period typically occurs in a cycle between days 25 and 35, and you usually have a good idea of when it’s about to start. Irregular periods may not happen every month and have varying lengths; they are irregular. Irregular or absent periods may indicate other health concerns. You could have trouble getting pregnant or experience a hormone imbalance, which can impact other areas of your life. A healthy period is crucial for people with periods.

All of this information is important, yet not common knowledge. Everyone, with or without a period, needs to advocate for more awareness around periods and the menstrual cycle. Periods impact the overall health of people with periods—about half of the population. You can do so much to promote education surrounding periods and period care products, even if you just share what you learned today.

About Saalt

Period care looks different to everyone, but to Saalt, it’s always sustainable, comfortable, and leak-free. Their modern period care products, including a cup for period flow, discs, and leakproof underwear, feature high-quality materials and innovative technology to make the first phase of your cycle flow smoothly. Saalt Cups and Discs feature medical-grade silicone and a unique design to keep you comfortable, while the Saalt Wear collection contains reusable period panties with an ultra-thin gusset that feels like any other pair of underwear in your drawer. The brand helps you reduce or eliminate single-use products from your period care, so it’s easy to limit period waste without sacrificing convenience. Using Saalt’s range of accessories, like the Saalt Steamer and Saalt Cup Wash, you can gently care for your products for a safe, healthy, and clean period.

Learn more about vaginas, periods, cervixes, period care products, and periods at https://saalt.com/


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