
Showing posts with the label menstrual cups online

The Perfect Match: Menstrual Cups and Leakproof Period Underwear

Sustainability is everywhere these days – from the food we eat to the clothes we wear, and even the products we use for personal care. One area often overlooked? Period products. Fortunately, that’s changing with reusable options like leakproof underwear and menstrual cups . These two products are a dynamic, eco-friendly duo that not only help the planet but also make your period easier to manage. Traditional period products, such as tampons and pads – even disposable menstrual discs –  contribute massively to waste, taking centuries to decompose and leaching harmful chemicals into the environment. Period panties and period cups, on the other hand, are reusable, reducing waste and saving money. Period underwear lasts for years, while a cup for period can last for a decade with proper care. Together, they provide complementary protection. The menstrual cup collects menstrual fluid internally, while leakproof underwear acts as an external backup, giving you extra security in case o...

Understanding Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a chronic, often painful condition where tissue similar to the endometrium—the lining of the uterus—grows outside of the uterus. Normally, during a menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens, and then sheds if there’s no pregnancy, causing menstruation. However, in endometriosis, this tissue outside the uterus cannot be shed, leading to inflammation, scar tissue, and severe pain. Endometriosis commonly affects the pelvic and abdominal areas, especially around the reproductive organs. Symptoms include painful periods with excessive cramping, pain during intercourse, painful urination or bowel movements, heavy bleeding, nausea, bloating, and fatigue. People with endometriosis may find it helpful to use a menstrual cup or menstrual disc , which can handle heavy flow and save on disposable products, paired with period underwear for added protection. The exact cause of endometriosis is unknown, but several theories exist. These include the possibility of tissue being sprea...

The Best Period Products for Athletes

Athletes need period care that’s comfortable, reliable, and can keep up with their active lifestyle. Whether you’re running, swimming, or hitting the gym, reusable period products like menstrual cups, menstrual discs , and period underwear provide the perfect solution. Here's why: Menstrual Cups Best for: High-impact sports like running and weight lifting. Period cups offer up to 12 hours of leak-proof protection. Made of flexible silicone, they form a seal inside the body, collecting menstrual fluid without absorbing it. They’re comfortable, subtle, and stay in place even during intense movements, making them perfect for athletes. Menstrual Discs Best for: Activities like yoga and swimming. Reusable menstrual discs sit lower in the vaginal canal, offering a sublte and slim fit. They provide up to 12 hours of leak-proof protection and are great for high-mobility sports. The design ensures comfort without pressure on the pelvic area, making them ideal for flexibility. Period Unde...

Can You Trim The Stem On Your Period Cup?

Everyone’s anatomy is uniquely different. For some period cup users, the stem is fully within the vaginal canal, and for others, the stem is partially or fully sticking out of the vagina and labia; all scenarios are perfectly normal. If you find your stem is hanging down more than you’d like or causing you discomfort, just know you can cut the stem on your menstrual cup . What is the Stem on Your Period Cup For? Not to get confused with a pull tab, the stem on your menstrual cup is designed to help locate the cup in order to break the seal, but not everyone needs the stem to help locate their cup — but it sure is a nice feature! Your cervix changes position throughout your cycle and you may find that having the stem is helpful in locating the cup later during your period. We recommend getting comfortable with the positioning and removal of your cup first, but if you decide after that to cut the stem of your period cup, here is a step-by-step how-to: Clean cup : We recommend using a g...

What Causes Pain When Removing My Period Cup?

You may have 99 problems on your period, but your period product shouldn’t be one. Cramping, mood swings, and headaches are common, so your menstrual cup or disc shouldn’t add to the discomfort. If you’re experiencing pain during the removal of your period cup or menstrual disc , here are some potential causes and solutions. Incorrect Removal: Most cups create a seal with suction. Not breaking this seal can cause discomfort. To ease removal, consult our online instructions: how to insert a menstrual cup . Cup Size: Finding the right cup is personal. If you feel pain during insertion or removal, consider trying a different size or firmness. A softer silicone cup like a soft cup may help reduce cramps and bladder pressure. Vaginal Dryness: Water can be a natural lubricant. Applying water or a water-based lubricant can ease insertion and removal, especially during low estrogen levels that cause dryness. Tension: Relaxation is key. Tensing your pelvic floor muscles can make removal diff...

3 Tips for Beach Days on Your Period

When you live near the ocean, a river, or a lake, what’s the first thing you think to do on a hot day? Head to the beach! You get out of bed, excited about the fantastic weather, and realize your period has started. Instead of turning in the towel, you just have to make a few minor adjustments before heading out for your beach day. Menstrual Cup Getting Ready for the Day The change of plans means you can’t simply throw on your swimsuit, grab the sunscreen, and head out the door. You have to take care of your body during your period, which probably means you need your period care products. You obviously don’t want to wear a pad with your bathing suit. That really wouldn’t do anything. And disposable tampons feel super uncomfortable when full of water, so what can you do? You can avoid the issue altogether and start using sustainable period care products before your first hot summer period. A reusable menstrual cup , for instance, creates a seal—no flow out, no flow in. So grab your p...

New Year’s Resolutions for You to Achieve for Your Periods

What should top your list of New Year’s resolutions? Better period care. Period care has come a long way, and investing in better options is basically self-care. It’s a big deal. Modern period care products, like reusable period cups, discs, and leakproof panties , can help you take care of your mental and physical health. Along with adding a more sustainable period to your list of resolutions, a few super-achievable goals may improve the first phase of your cycle. Menstrual Cup Keep Your Vagina Healthy Hello, vaginal health! This goal should be at the top of your New Year’s resolutions. Vaginal health is essential to healthy periods and hormone cycles. You can learn how to keep your vagina healthy by talking to healthcare professionals, reading period care blogs, tracking your cycle, and listening to your body. Vaginas don’t have to stay mysteries this year. Throw Out Period Euphemisms Period jokes are out. Making derogatory jokes about something that’s totally healthy is weird an...

How to Seal the Deal with Sustainable Period Care

Periods are a good thing. They’re an indicator of health and hormone levels. Yet some people with periods don’t know how to have a good relationship with their flow or why it involves period care products. Period care products seal the deal, so to speak. They make it possible for you to have an understanding relationship with your period. It involves familiarity with your vagina, upgraded period care options, and sustainable choices for you and your body. Period Cups Get the Details on Vaginal Health Vaginas and periods go together, obviously. Your vagina is a part of the reproductive system that enables periods to happen. So, you must learn about your vagina to choose the right period care option for your body. You should understand the different parts of a vagina, where your cervix is located, and how to tell if your vagina is healthy (smell, discharge color, etc.). Learn About Period Care Companies You might get lucky and find a period care company that’s helpful and informative...

How to Respond to Inappropriate Period Comments

People with periods grow up hearing all kinds of “jokes” and inappropriate comments about menstruation, PMS, and period care. The thing about these little jabs is that they aren’t funny. Sometimes, they’re downright mean. If anything, you might respond with a sarcastic and flat “Ha—good one.” (Your call if you want to work in an eye roll.) Menstrual Cup As you get comfortable with your period, you’ll uncover all kinds of information about bodies, hormones, vaginas, and different types of period care. This knowledge just makes the offhand remarks seem even more inappropriate and insulting. Periods are crazy cool and totally natural. While there has been progress in conversations around periods and products people use during their period, there’s still work to do. This work starts in homes, classrooms, offices, and on the street. When people cross the line with period jokes and comments, stand up for everyone with a period. They Say: “Oh, Is It That Time of the Month?” No. Just no. ...

What to Do If Mother Nature Stops By for Her Monthly Visit on Mother’s Day

Periods don’t always stop for special occasions—not even if you’re a mom, or celebrating yours, on Mother’s Day. There are still ways to make your day enjoyable and ensure it goes off without a hitch, from a cup for period flow to leakproof underwear to handle sudden surprises. Menstrual Cup Grab Your Reusable Period Care Even though it’s a day celebrating how awesome moms are, it’s still very much like any other first day of your period. So, it's time to get out your period cup or leakproof underwear. If you’ve switched to sustainable period care—an excellent option for everyone who menstruates, especially moms—you’ll love how easy it is to care for your needs throughout the day. With proper insertion, you’ll be able to wear your menstrual cup or disc for up to 12 hours, and high-quality leakproof underwear you wear can keep you comfortable and dry while replacing up to three regular tampons. Treat Yourself to Something Nice It’s Mother’s Day, so moms deserve a little treat ...

A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Through Your Period Without Waste

If you experience a period, you’re probably well accustomed to pads and tampons. But pads and tampons contribute to a ton of unnecessary waste in our environment every year. And we all know how vital trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle is for our planet. By making some easy switches to your monthly period care routine, you can reduce waste from period products, which negatively impact the environment. By switching to a reusable silicone menstrual cup , you can do your part to cut back on plastic waste as well as save yourself a significant amount of money over time. Follow this guide to start practicing sustainable habits in your period care routine. Menstrual Cup Swap Your Tampons for a Reusable Menstrual Cup Swapping out your single-use period products for a reusable period cup is an excellent way to instantly cut back on your waste. A period cup is inserted similarly to the way a tampon is. And the best, high-quality cups are made with soft, medical-grade silicone. However...