What Causes Pain When Removing My Period Cup?

You may have 99 problems on your period, but your period product shouldn’t be one. Cramping, mood swings, and headaches are common, so your menstrual cup or disc shouldn’t add to the discomfort. If you’re experiencing pain during the removal of your period cup or menstrual disc, here are some potential causes and solutions.

Incorrect Removal: Most cups create a seal with suction. Not breaking this seal can cause discomfort. To ease removal, consult our online instructions: how to insert a menstrual cup.

Cup Size: Finding the right cup is personal. If you feel pain during insertion or removal, consider trying a different size or firmness. A softer silicone cup like a soft cup may help reduce cramps and bladder pressure.

Vaginal Dryness: Water can be a natural lubricant. Applying water or a water-based lubricant can ease insertion and removal, especially during low estrogen levels that cause dryness.

Tension: Relaxation is key. Tensing your pelvic floor muscles can make removal difficult. Practice belly breathing to help relax these muscles.

Ultimately, your period product should be comfortable. Identifying the cause of any discomfort can lead to a more pleasant period experience.


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