3 Things Every Young Person Should Know About Periods

Periods are a natural bodily function. But surprisingly, information about menstrual cycles has somehow stayed largely in the dark. We’re here to illuminate all the details you and everyone else should know about periods. From what your period is to what menstrual cup is best for you, here are three crucial things to know about menstrual cycles. 

What Exactly Is a Period?

A period essentially comes from your body preparing for a potential pregnancy every month. It does this by releasing an egg from the ovaries and swelling your uterine lining in preparation for the pregnancy. When pregnancy does not occur, your uterus sheds that lining through the vaginal canal. The average age at which a person starts to experience a period is about 12 years old. But that doesn’t mean it can’t happen earlier or later. Everyone’s body is different, though most experience menarche, their first period, between the ages of 10 and 15.

How Long Do Periods Typically Last?

The length of your period is different for everyone as well. They can be anywhere from two days to seven days. And just because your period this month was only four days, that doesn’t mean it won’t be six the next month. These things can be challenging to predict, though you can track your period to try and get a clearer picture. The most important thing to remember is that as long as you’re having regular periods from month to month, the varying length doesn’t matter as much.

What Products Are Best for Period Care?

Thankfully, modern period care has come a long way. You don’t have to worry about sticking to single-use pads and tampons as your only means of period care. There are more sustainable options you can choose from. Here are some of the best reusable products to help you manage your flow.

Period Cups

A cup for period flow is becoming one of the more common ways to manage your period. It is a cup that can be inserted straight into the vaginal canal to collect your flow throughout the day instead of absorbing it like a tampon. The best are made of medical-grade silicone, can be worn for up to 12 hours at a time, and can last up to 10 years with the proper care. Some brands even offer smaller cups made especially for teens. Period cups can typically hold three to four times more than a tampon.

Leakproof Underwear

Shockingly, leakproof underwear is just now getting its time in the spotlight. If you’re not yet comfortable with period cups, leakproof underwear is an excellent alternative or backup. You can choose from so many flattering styles with different absorbency levels. All you need to do is rinse them and throw them in the wash after wearing them, and then use them again when needed. The best have a thin, absorbent gusset to keep you comfortable and dry.

Menstrual Discs

Menstrual discs differ from period cups in that they are shaped differently and can hold more of your flow (four to six times more than a tampon!). Menstrual discs sit behind the pubic bone, whereas menstrual cups are held in place by sealing in the vaginal canal. No matter what you choose, the results are the same: Reusable period care is a sustainable way to manage your period. You can even find online quizzes to help you figure out which product is best for you.

About Saalt

Periods shouldn’t limit your opportunities, whether you want to go to school, travel to a different country, or swim in a pool. So, if you feel limited by your flow and period care products, let Saalt help you feel limitless. Saalt works their period care magic so that you can pursue your heart’s desires. With high-quality period care products, including reusable period underwear, cups, and discs, Saalt has thought of everything that could get between you and your regular life. They even offer solutions to help you clean, store, and travel with your period care products. From the moment you switch to sustainable period care products, Saalt opens the doors to a world of opportunity, taking care of you while you take care of your body.

Learn everything you need to know about sustainable period care at https://saalt.com/


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