How to Talk to Kids and Teens About Periods

Do you remember learning about periods in school? They might have separated people who were expected to have periods from those who were not. You probably saw a diagram or a video about puberty that talked about periods and bringing disposable pads to school. Did the other kids learn about periods, too? Maybe.

Alternatively, your parents might have talked to you about periods before you learned about them in class. Was it any more informative?

For a long time, people learned the basics of period care and left it at that. You have a period. Take pads or tampons to school and sneak off to the bathroom if you start to flow. Tie a sweater around your waist if you bleed through your clothes.

Now, as a parent or guardian of kids or teens, you might have to talk about periods. Give the next generation a chance to see periods for what they are: an indication of health and necessary body processes (like sweating or digesting food). You can encourage period education by covering various topics, including period flow, hormones, anatomy, and period care products like period cups. It will help ensure periods are a comfortable subject for everyone in your home, and hopefully discourage any feelings of shame or discomfort outside the home.

Have a Talk Before Menarche

Menarche usually occurs between the ages of 10 and 15. But a person may start their period earlier or later than that. Regardless, try to talk about periods before the kid or teen in your life experiences menarche. It’s especially good if you talk about it casually and often because periods are normal, and they need to know it.

Let Them Know You’re Always Available

If you already shared what you know about periods, hormones, vaginal health, and period care products, you can just let them know that you’ll always be available when they need you. As a kid or teen, they usually have to go to an adult to access period care products, so make sure you’re well informed. After all, more period care options are available nowadays.

Help Them Learn About All Period Care Options

Make sure you know about period cups, discs, and leakproof underwear to help kids make informed decisions about modern period care. That way, they don’t have to settle for less-than-optimal leak protection and can make a sustainable choice for themselves (and the planet).

Leakproof underwear is a particularly good option for younger kids. You can find them in different styles with an ultra-absorbent gusset that is as thin as a nickel. With period underwear, it’s important to rinse out your flow with cold water after wearing it. This helps avoid staining and encourages comfort around their flow right from the start. They can move up to a menstrual cup or disc when they get older if they want. Period cups and discs feature medical-grade silicone that is safe for up to 12 hours of wear, and they help teens learn about their anatomy (which is a bonus). Some of the best sustainable period care brands even offer period cups made specifically for teens.

Encourage Unabashed Openness About Periods

Were you ever in a situation that made you feel like you had to “sneak” your period care products with you? Unfortunately, there can be a bit of a stigma associated with periods. You can see and feel it when people talk about periods and menstrual flow. Fortunately, when you encourage openness around periods and period care, your kid or teen learns that they don’t have to be ashamed of their period. Children learn by example, and how you talk about your period or periods generally will set that for them.

Preparing kids and teens for their flow is crucial to encouraging more open discourse surrounding periods. It will also help people with periods feel confident that they’re keeping their bodies safe and healthy when they take care of their period care needs. Whether it’s in a classroom, at the dinner table, on vacation, or anywhere at any point in time, a person with a period should never feel shame about having a period.

About Saalt

Period care looks different to everyone, but to Saalt, it’s always sustainable, comfortable, and leak-free. Their modern period care products, including a cup for period flow, discs, and leakproof underwear, feature high-quality materials and innovative technology to make the first phase of your cycle flow smoothly. Saalt Cups and Discs feature medical-grade silicone and a unique design to keep you comfortable, while the Saalt Wear collection contains reusable period panties with an ultra-thin gusset that feels like any other pair of underwear in your drawer. The brand helps you reduce or eliminate single-use products from your period care, so it’s easy to limit period waste without sacrificing convenience. Using Saalt’s range of accessories, like the Saalt Steamer and Saalt Cup Wash, you can gently care for your products for a safe, healthy, and clean period.

Learn more about periods and period care products for kids and teens with Saalt at


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