Got Chocolate Cravings During Your Period? You’re Not Alone.

If you find yourself reaching for a chocolate bar, or two, or five, during your period, you’re not alone. It's a topic we've all seen in rom-coms and heard in personal anecdotes. But is it real? And if so, why do we crave chocolate when we have our period?

Blame it on biology. Your hormones are playing a complex game, with fluctuating levels of progesterone and estrogen impacting your mood-regulating neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Chocolate contains mood-boosting compounds such as theobromine, anandamide, and phenylethylamine, which help release these feel-good chemicals. So, munching on some chocolate can give your serotonin levels a quick lift, easing those pesky PMS symptoms and mood swings.

But it’s not just biology making you reach for that chocolate bar. Psychology plays a part too. From childhood treats to romantic gifts, chocolate has always been a symbol of comfort and indulgence. During your period, when emotions are running high, grabbing a piece of chocolate can evoke positive memories and bring a sense of comfort. It’s like a delicious, edible hug.

Chocolate isn’t just a treat - it’s also packed with nutrients like magnesium, antioxidants, and iron, especially dark chocolate. During your period, your body loses some of these nutrients, so craving chocolate might be your body’s way of saying: “Hey, I need a little boost here!” Magnesium, for instance, can help alleviate cramps and tension, making that chocolate bar not just a guilty pleasure, but a helpful snack.

Society and culture also play a role in our chocolate cravings. In many places, talking about periods is still taboo, which can lead to feelings of shame or embarrassment. So, reaching for chocolate can be a discreet way of practicing self-care and finding emotional support. Plus, let’s face it, media and marketing have done a fantastic job of portraying chocolate as the ultimate pleasure and self-care treat, making it our go-to comfort food.

Breaking the stigma around menstruation and encouraging open conversations can empower everyone to prioritize their well-being without judgment. Using the best menstrual products, like menstrual cups and period underwear, can make a big difference in comfort too. And at the end of the day, your comfort and well-being should be your top priority, so go ahead and treat yourself to that chocolate – you deserve it!

About Saalt

Period care looks different to everyone, but to Saalt, it’s always sustainable, comfortable, and leak-free. Their modern period care products, including a cup for period flow, discs, and leakproof underwear, feature high-quality materials and innovative technology to make the first phase of your cycle flow smoothly. Saalt Cups and Discs feature medical-grade silicone and a unique design to keep you comfortable, while the Saalt Wear collection contains reusable period panties with an ultra-thin gusset that feels like any other pair of underwear in your drawer. The brand helps you reduce or eliminate single-use products from your period care, so it’s easy to limit period waste without sacrificing convenience. Using Saalt’s range of accessories, like the Saalt Steamer and Saalt Cup Wash, you can gently care for your products for a safe, healthy, and clean period.

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