When should I Sanitize My Menstrual Cup or Disc

Keeping your menstrual cup or menstrual disc clean is crucial for your health and the product's durability. Regular cleaning ensures your cup is ready for each cycle, providing comfort and safety. Here’s how to care for your Saalt menstrual cup or disc properly. Before First Use: Boil your cup or disc in water for 3–5 minutes. This ensures it is safe and clean. Between Cycles: After each period, boil the cup again to maintain freshness. If boiling isn’t possible, wipe down the cup, inside and out, with isopropyl alcohol. Make sure it dries completely before storing it in a breathable pouch to prevent bacteria and odors. Start of Your Period: Boil your cup at the start of your cycle for added freshness. If Contaminated: If your cup touches something dirty, clean it right away. Boil it or use a sanitizer to ensure it is perfectly clean. After Illness: Clean your menstrual cup before and after your period if you’ve been sick to avoid germs. With Leakproof Underwear : Clean your cup...