
Showing posts with the label Reusable Menstrual Products

Maximizing Comfort: How Long to Wear Your Period Cup Safely

If you’re new to the world of reusable period products, you might be wondering: How long can I actually wear a period cup ? The short answer? Up to 12 hours. Yep, you read that right—an entire half-day of leak-free, worry-free period protection. But how and why is this possible? The Science Behind the 12-Hour Wear Time Most menstrual cups and menstrual discs are designed to be worn safely for up to 12 hours because most brands are made from 100% medical-grade silicone, which is non-porous and resistant to bacteria. This means it won’t absorb your flow or create a breeding ground for germs, unlike some disposable products. The 12-hour window also helps reduce the risk of infections. Learn: Is a disposable menstrual disc or reusable menstrual disc right for you? How Flow and Sizing Affect Your Wear Time  There are a couple factors that go into how long you personally may be able to wear your period cup or disc for; sizing and flow. If you have a smaller cup and heavier flow, you m...

How Many Pads & Tampons Go to Landfills Every Year?

Every year, over 12 billion pads and 7 billion tampons are discarded in the U.S., creating a massive environmental challenge. Made with non-biodegradable materials like plastic, these products can take 500-800 years to break down, making them a significant contributor to landfill waste. Luckily, sustainable options like menstrual cups , menstrual discs , and period underwear are changing the game. These reusable products not only reduce waste but can also save you money. A period cup replaces up to 4 tampons or 3 pads a day. A menstrual disc holds as much as 6 tampons or 4 pads. Both cups and discs last up to 10 years and can be worn for 12 hours. Leakproof panties can absorb as much as 8 tampons or 6 pads and are washable for years of use. By switching to these eco-friendly alternatives, you can help divert billions of disposables from landfills and save some serious cash. Small changes add up. Choosing sustainable period products is a simple way to make a big impact for the planet,...

Critical Indicators for Consulting a Pelvic Floor Therapist

Optimal pelvic floor health is vital for effective use of menstrual products, such as period cups and leakproof underwear . These core products support bladder and bowel functions, ensuring comfort and efficiency. Signs You Need Pelvic Floor Therapy Challenges with Menstrual Cup Use: Struggling with your menstrual cup? Difficulty in placement, slipping, or cup not opening may indicate muscle imbalances or tension that pelvic floor therapy can alleviate. Urinary Incontinence Solutions: If you're managing leaks during daily activities with leakproof panties , therapy might address the underlying issue. Pelvic Pain and Product Discomfort: Experiencing pain with period products could point to overactive pelvic muscles, requiring attention. Postpartum Recovery: Childbirth impacts pelvic strength. Period pants can aid recovery, but therapy strengthens long-term support. Additional Symptoms to Monitor Chronic Bowel Issues: Often linked to pelvic dysfunction, affecting menstrual heal...

Different Ways to Sanitize Your Menstrual Cup or Disc

Welcome to the sustainable, comfortable period club! If you're new to using a menstrual cup or menstrual disc , it's important to sanitize your product before and after each cycle. Here’s how to do it easily: Understanding Sanitizing vs. Sterilizing Sanitizing : Reduces germs to safe levels, ideal for home cleaning. Sterilizing : Eliminates all microbial life, usually done in medical settings, often with an autoclave.  Sanitization Methods Boiling Water (Classic Method) Supplies : Pot, water, tongs or whisk.  Steps : Fill a pot with water and bring it to a rolling boil. Carefully position your secured cup or disc (within tongs or whisk) and boil for 4–5 minutes.  Remove and let cool before storing or wearing.  Compact Sanitizer (Travel-Friendly Method) Supplies :Compact Sanitizer, microwave. Steps : Open the sanitizer, fill with water, and add your cup/disc. Microwave for about 3 minutes until boiling. Let sit for another 3 minutes, then cool and store. Saalt Steam...