Best Reusable Period Products for Travel

The holiday season is officially upon us, and for many of us, that means packing our bags, catching flights, and maybe even navigating some long road trips. While traveling during the holidays can be a lot of fun, it can also bring some added stress—especially if you’re on your period. Here are some ideas to help you make traveling on your period a little easier.

Switching to a Reusable Menstrual Cup or Reusable Menstrual Disc

The best part about menstrual cups and menstrual discs is that they have the ability to safely be inserted for up to 12 hours before removal, depending on your period. So no more running from your airport gate to the bathroom in between flights or making multiple stops during your road trip to change.

Invest in a Period Travel Kit
The best part about travel-friendly period products, like a compact sanitizer or cleansing wipes, is that they don’t have to just be for your vacations or holiday travels. You can easily incorporate them into your regular routine, keeping them in your car for those surprise period visits or storing them in your bathroom for easy access each month.

Period Underwear
Period underwear can be a great option for traveling on your period, especially if you are nearing the end of your cycle and need a little extra coverage to get to your destination. Period panties come in a variety of sizes, styles, colors, and absorbencies to support all periods.

The holidays are busy enough without worrying about your period, but with the right products and a little planning, you can make your travels smoother and stress-free. Whether you’re exploring a new city, heading home for the holidays, or simply taking a road trip with loved ones, reusable period products are an easy and sustainable long term solution.


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