What Causes Breast Swelling During My Period?
During the first half of your cycle, estrogen peaks, causing your breast tissue to retain more fluid, making them feel fuller. After ovulation, progesterone takes over, which can lead to tenderness and swelling as your body prepares for a potential pregnancy. If pregnancy doesn't occur, hormone levels drop, and your breasts return to their usual size.
These hormonal shifts can make your breasts feel heavier or look slightly larger—some people even notice a cup size change. Luckily, this is all temporary. As your period winds down, your hormone levels will balance out and things will go back to normal.
To manage breast tenderness, make sure you wear a well-fitted bra or bralette for extra support, and consider using a warm compress or over-the-counter pain relief. If you're already dealing with your period, why not try period panties, leakproof underwear, or a period cup or reusable menstrual disc for added comfort and protection?
Learn: How to measure your bra size?
Remember, these changes are just part of your natural cycle, so embrace them and take care of your body!
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